White Wash

Thursday, November 15, 2012

GSG (aka Gadianton Secret Gingers, Get Skinny Galilee, Great Spiritual Galilee, etc.)

Now I know why brother Ludlow aka "J-Rowdy" says that Galilee is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

That right there is the beginning to a post I once started writing about my time spent in Galilee several months ago. What an incredible and magical time that was and what an exquisite place. When people ask me what my favorite part about Jerusalem was (which is an impossible question to answer) I always mention Galilee as one of my favorites and these are the reasons why:

1) Galilee is more like what I always pictured when I heard the stories of Christ's ministry.

See this?

And this?

And This??

And This???
 That's where I was. These pictures are pretty breathtaking if I do say so myself, but they don't even capture a fraction of the beauty there in Galilee really. It was honestly such a majestic and harmonious place even in it's natural simplicity. I am so grateful for the time I was able to spend in this haven.

2) Our Time in Galilee was nearer to the end of the semester so the work load was lighter.

Believe it or not boys and girls, school exists, even in Jerusalem. Yes, even in Turkey. Yes, definitely in Galilee. We only had one bus for 2 classes of over 40 people each while we were in Galilee so while one class was out on a field trip the other class would be at the kibbutz having class. Although we still had school and studying and tests and homework to do in Galilee, two of the classes we had previous in the semester had ended so the work load was a lot lighter than earlier on in the semester which allowed for more bonding with my peers.

which brings me to my next point...

3) Galilee is where many relationships were solidified that I know will last a lifetime and beyond.

I already felt like I was friends with every single student by the time we went to Galilee, but Galilee is were some of me and my good comrades became even better friends. I was able to forge some pretty incredible friendships in Jerusalem. I was with these people, every day granted, but only for about three and a half months, but by the end I felt like I had known many of them for longer than a lifetime. Some of these people had a very significant hand in changing my life and making my Jerusalem experience what it was. To know more about some of these incredible individuals visit this incredible blog. I am so grateful that in Galilee I was able to become even closer with these people as well as closer to the Lord. 

which brings me to my last point...

4) Galilee helped me to come so much closer to the Lord. 

Being in a place so close to what I picture biblical lands to be like, and studying the Savior's life and the miracles he performed while at the places they actually happened, is an experience that can never be replaced. It's incredible to read through the scriptures and thing back on when I visited the places they mention and read my journal entries from when I was there. I learned a lot about my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ while in Galilee. 

I am so grateful for the experience I had to visit Galilee, and can't wait to go back... Someday!

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